So I'm well underway with my new WIP (the last one is currently suffering from a bad case of whatdoIdointhemiddle syndrome, so it is currently sitting all lonely-like on my desktop. Of my computer, not my actual desk, I haven't printed it out), at a whopping (not really) 9,648 words! Which is awesome, as about 2500 of those words got written in the past couple days. Which is more than I have written in a couple days since... before I started college.
A year ago*****.
Which is just, if you ask me, ridiculous.
So I decided to replace that word count meter on the left of my page with a daily word count kind of thingimajig, so you all can follow my progress as well! (It'll be updated daily, so the word counts for any given day will be the the day that was closest. That didn't make sense. Maybe I'll just put dates.) For this particular WIP, I've employed a new strategy: I'm not setting an end goal as far as word count goes, so I can never really knowingly reach the slumping middle that has always been a problem with my stories. Genius, right? No? Anyone?
Stay with me here.
Anyway, yeah. Word metrics (which one of my fellow bloggers calls it! Woo! She's in Australia. I don't know if you'll read this, but hi, Jess!).
The past however long it's been since I've last posted here (what is it, six months or so?) have been fairly eventful. I did the following:
1. Finished my internship with the literary agency I worked for (though I still won't share which one, just got privacy and that fancy stuff--don't want angry writing coming after me demanding why the agent didn't get to see their work--eep!),
2. Got another internship (non-book related) at school,
3. Finished that one,
4. Got into the Journalism major (woo!),
5. Decided I also wanted to be an Econ major (woo!),
6. Did summer quarter at my school because School Kristine apparently hates Summer Kristine and wanted her to suffer, but
7. As a result of number six, officially became a junior in college just in time for the start of my second year (woo!),
8. Had lunch with author/agent Mandy Hubbard--non-business related, just for fun, and the first agent/author I've met in person! OF COURSE I asked her to sign my copy of YOU WISH, are you crazy?,
9. Is there a nine? There probably is, but I can't think of one, so... cookies! *throws cookies onto every's magically appearing plates in front of them*
10. Oh! I joined the Absolute Write forums! I haven't been super active on there, since I'm still actively working on actually writing instead of just talking about it, but I'm there!
Right. There's more, but I should get back to writing my WIP. It's called TROGDOR*, by the way. As in Trogdor the Burninator. Because, you know. Burninating is awesome. Especially if you're Trogdor.
*Not the real title, in case you didn't get that. I mean, you know I totally would actually title my book that. It's TROGDOR. But the whole copyright thing** probably ruins all that.
**Maybe, I actually don't know about all that stuff***.
***I could look it up, but I need to write****.
****I set a goal earlier today that I couldn't go to the bathroom until I'd written 500 words. According to my Twitter feed, that was an hour ago. I have 154 words to go. BYE.
*****OH WAIT just kidding I totally forgot about my 11k word dash in the first three (?) days of NaNo 2010, after which I stopped writing completely and it was a sad affair don't ask
About Kristine

- kstine
- 20. Student. Former literary intern. YA author wannabe. Editing junkie.
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August 31, 2011
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