Well, hello, blogging world! I've been absent for a while, but I've slowly gotten used to my new (shiny~) computer and am pretty much up and running again, even though I have a bit of a lack in blogging topics and don't have enough material yet to warrant a Teaser Tuesday. However, the evil Blog Muse Eater will not prevail! Because today, I'm going to talk about NaNoWriMo.
So, if you're my writing buddy right now on the NaNo site, you might see that I already have a title up for my NaNo 2010 project. (If you would like to be my writing buddy, CLICK!) A funny thing happened with that title this morning. Before, when I posted that title up, I had a vague idea and thought I had written it down somewhere. Well, apparently not. This morning, I discovered I only had the title, with no notes to speak of.
I was quite upset.
But then I got over it and wrote out what I remembered of the idea in my story idea document, and it turned into something that I am now RIDICULOUSLY excited to write. So that's a super happy ending, though it's not quite an ending yet, seeing as it's still September. I have a while to wait.
Anyway, from now on I wonder if I should just leave little hints like that around, rather than writing out a paragraph of my idea. Because even with that little hint of a title, I got something that I am now really looking forward to, rather than something I just thought of one day and decided was going to be my NaNo story.
Just a musing. I wonder what else my wacko brain can come up with. :)
A question for you: How do you keep track of ideas for the future? How much of the plot do you trust your brain to remember?
Hope you're all well!
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